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Equitable career advancement

Our consultancy services, available to customers subscribed to our Employability Quiz, are designed to foster a more equitable workplace. By analysing insights from our quiz, we help you identify barriers to career advancement and create fairer opportunities for all.

Breaking down barriers to career growth

Whether your focus is recruiting emerging talent or supporting current employees’ career development, understanding the obstacles they face is key to promoting equitable advancement.

Addressing bias in talent selection

Research has shown that bias in recruitment can unfairly impact candidates. Some organisations now use "blind CVs," removing identifiers like name and location to reduce bias, while others are eliminating educational requirements that may exclude talented candidates. Relying on degrees, particularly from prestigious universities, can perpetuate privilege, as those from underrepresented backgrounds often face barriers when accessing certain educational paths, especially in STEM fields.

Tackling societal biases

Societal factors, like access to networking, can also affect career progression. For example, some people benefit from inherited networks, giving them a leg up. Others might benefit from more cultural capital, influenced by the school, events and extracurricular activities they experienced growing up. Traditional referral programmes can unintentionally reinforce these inequities, making it crucial to design inclusive hiring and advancement processes.

Reevaluating organisational barriers

Traditional workplace hierarchies often prioritise upward progression. But career growth doesn’t have to mean moving 'up the ladder'—it can mean finding new paths that align with an individual’s unique strengths and goals. By rethinking these structures, companies can create more meaningful and accessible development opportunities.

Building an equitable future

We’re here to help you design fair, inclusive systems for recruitment, career development, and progression. With insights from our Employability Quiz, we’ll support you in creating a workplace where everyone has a path to success.

Talent Selection

Design your selection processes to use less biased data, reduce societal barriers and ensure a diverse talent pipeline.

Career Progression

Re-imagine career progression to focus less on climbing the ladder or fixating on job titles, and optimise for engaging opportunities.

Understanding Aspirations

Understanding career aspirations based on the type of opportunities that will appeal, helps to design inspiring career paths.

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